Bruce Wieser 


Fellow WPCA members:

The months of 2017 have gone by quickly. I hope 2017 was a safe and successful year for everyone.  January 2018 is here and that means different things to each of us. For me January is fix it time where we go through all our equipment with a fine tooth comb and fix the things that need fixing and make modifications and improvements to make our facility more efficient. January is also time for the WPCA Winter Conference. This year’s conference will be held again at the Madison Marriott West in Middleton, WI on January 16-17. As you can see by the agenda in this newsletter we are in for a very informative conference.

I have been attending the WPCA conferences for a long time and I find that I am able to take something back to my company from every conference I attend.  Whether it be something I learned during the presentations, or talking with the associate members about their products and how they would benefit my company, or discussions with my fellow pre-casters about their successes and/failures during the year, I am able to take something back with me.

The 2018 WPCA Winter Conference also brings an end to my term as your president.  I thank you for the opportunity to serve as your president it truly was a great experience.  I wish the best for everyone in 2018 and look forward to seeing all of you at the winter conference. 


George Klaetsch

Governor Walker Signature Provides Additional Options
for Homeowners
with Failing POWTS

As reported last month, a significant legislative proposal that provides financial options and alternatives to homeowners of failing POWTS was passed by the State Legislature in November and was received and signed into law by Governor Walker on November 27 creating 2017 Wisconsin Act 69. 

The Clean Water Access bill (Assembly Bill 226), that the WPCA supported upon introduction, increases the grant amount that may be awarded for rehabilitating or replacing contaminated wells.  The bill also gives local governments the authority to provide low-interest or interest-free loans to the owners of failing POWTS/septic systems.

This legislation is yet another tool for the WPCA membership to promote in partnership with your respective County Code Administrators.  If you have a customer that may not meet the income threshold of the POWTS Grant Program, the WPCA strongly suggests learning and promoting the Clean Water Access Bill as an alternative.  

For more details on the bill, please go to -  WPCA members may also inquire with their colleagues in the Wisconsin County Code Administrator (WCCA).  

Septic Trades/ Counties Collaborate to Address Religious Waiver Loophole

In early 2017, the WPCA, WOWRA and WLWCA began a collaborative effort with the Wisconsin Counties Association (WCA) and the Wisconsin County Code Administrators Association (WCCA) to address our mutual concerns with the DSPS interpretation of a 2015-17 budget provision related to granting religious waivers for certain one and two-family residential dwelling building codes.   The primary effort was to identify and work with select legislators to re-address the issue of Amish homeowners being able to avoid installing, rehabilitating or replacing a POWTS that was code compliant based on completing and submitting a religious waiver claim with the DSPS.  While respecting all religious affiliations, the WPCA places a great deal of consideration and emphasis on ensuring public health and safety.

Over the past 10 months, the septic trade associations have negotiated statutory draft language that is now working its way through the legislature.  On December 13, the Senate Insurance & Housing Committee heard and voted out of committee our negotiated amendment language to prohibit religious exemptions for any/all outdoor plumbing (including POWTS).  This is an important first step in addressing this issue during the 2017-18 legislative session.  Our hope is for this legislation to pass into law by March of next year and we will continue to update our progress.  

 Winter Conference Agenda 

Tuesday, Jan 16
1:00 PM  Registration
1:30 PM Welcome Remarks
1:40 PM  WI State Patrol Trucking Presentation
2:15 PM OSHA Silica Update
3:15 PM Workers Compensation Presenation
4:30 PM Personal Property Tax Exemption Update
4:30 - 6 PM Exhibits / Reception
6:15 PM Dinner 

Wed., Jan 17
7:30 AM Breakfast / Exhibits
8:45 AM Crane Certification Retake Discussion
9:30 AM WPCA Member Business Meeting
11:00 AM Board Member Elections 
11:30 AM Lunch 

Thank you to our Sponsors!